Luna:The depth of a heart…

Originally here.

I find myself a little lost today. There is little I can do about it, and it will pass. There are things many people will not understand, and today is one of them.

Luna in her first few weeks (2010)

In July of 2010 we added a new member to our family. A short time before we had lost Magic, a Black German Shepherd and I was not going to get another animal. It was 6 months later that I found a white German Shepherd in Amelia Ohio that called to me. I loaded my family in the van and we were off to find Luna.

Luna on a trip with me and my son

We didn’t know she was Luna at the time. We sat in a bundle of excited White German Shepherd puppies while the mother and father of the litter watched us carefully until suddenly this little girl showed the spark I was so interested in. There were two, and she ended up being the one that would make a difference in our lives. He insatiable curiosity drew me to her, and she had that curiosity every day.

Sleepy Puppy in the Van on a trip

I spent a lot of time with her. I wanted her to be a super animal and to be happy. I knew that any animal is a massive responsibility. Large dogs are basically fur covered razorblades, and not training them to be responsive is nearly a crime. I had 25 stiches on my nose once to prove it.

I see you!

Luna was a sponge. She spent all of her time paying attention. She could easily sit, stay, heel, crawl, roll over, up, down, jump and more, but she also loved playing hide and seek, and find it, and was a keen watchdog. I taught her not to bark and she was usually silent. She would growl, but she did not bark at strangers. She loved to play ball, and frisbee. She used to love playing with sticks and would often bring back sticks much bigger than she was until she walked between 2 posts and was stopped dead. She still liked sticks, but preferred actual toys.

Sticks can be fun too!

Speaking of toys those rarely changed. She was patient and easy with her toys and though she usually had a toy with her, she did not tear them up, she just held them and walked around the house as though she owned it. She did. A new toy occasioanlly was a treat, but she loved just being with us.

Kylie in Luna’s crate with her

Luna was patient with children and usually tolerant of other animals. At one time in the dog park she had a dog jump on top of her. She did not hurt that dog but it rapidly backed off when she showed her teeth and knocked the dog down. She then walked away and went back to playing.

Luna at the dog park
Luna and her hat (She was not a fan)

She loved the kids and loved Dana. She would often just check on them and and when the boys were in the house would be close to them. Everyone played with Luna and her frisbee runs were legend. She loved playing frisbee in the lake and was a strong swimmer. She would take off into the lake without pause and sometimes dive over huge waves to get where she wanted to go. She loved to play non matter the weather.

Luna listening to Dana
We would play and she would not stop!

In the woods she was sure footed, and I could whisper to her and she would be silent as we watched deer or other animals. With another whisper she would bolt after the animal and enjoy her run. If it was really quiet out she knew a series of hand signals and I could do basic behaviors with a gesture and she always complied.

Snow was never a problem

A funny thing, Luna loved playing with frogs and toads. She did not hurt them she just nose bumped them and when the jumped she would pounce to the side with obvious enjoyment!

Yes, I can make faces too!
Even Rocks were good toys

When we traveled others watched her and she was always good. At the groomer she was always a model for others. When I was in public with a leash she watched everyone around us. Obviously interested in everything.

Luna with Michelle – Her puppy sitter

Just a few weeks ago we lost buddy, my daughters Scotty who was 17 years old. After he died Luna slowed, and started coughing, then stopped running. This morning on 2-22-22 Luna passed away at 11.5 years old. She leaves behind a legacy of love and people who cared about a dog, who loved being a puppy.

  • Luna and Michelle (Dogsitter)
  • Buddy the Scotty!
  • Luna watching the lake
  • Luna loved to swim
  • Luna and Andrew
  • Luna and Raven
  • The gang
  • Snowwhite Princess Luna of Amelia
  • Snowwhite Princess Luna of Amelia
  • Luna and Kylie
  • Luna and Michelle (Dogsitter)
  • Buddy the Scotty!

Buddy the Scotty!

I will be heartbroken indefinitely. Luna joins my other dogs, Magic, Shiva, Shadow, King, Max, Muffin, Satin, and Candy. She will also be remembered with Phoebe, Dory, Taz, Tinker, Mimi, Aquilon, Stumpy, Furrball and a host of other animals from years past. Each brought great joy to my life, but Luna was, well, special.

Snowwhite Princess Luna of Ameila

Over 53 behaviors and a genuine desire to please made her not only a good girl, but an amazing pet, companion, and furry friend. If animals do not have souls than we do not either, for they love us more deeply than many love themselves.

Christmas Photo

So as the sun sets on another day, thank you for being you, and I hope you find an animal in your life like Luna. As she walks down this path on her own I will not forget all she was. She was amazing and will be remembered always and forever, no matter what.

Ooops, a tree fell… This is a new path now!

Sleep sweet, love deeply, and enjoy the day…

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